Displaying episodes 1 - 12 of 12 in total
011: Road trips just like growing a SaaS is a marathon
Val is back from a France road trip and Dominic lost two weeks trying to save time with an hire.
010: SaaS is hard for self-funded founders
Val talks about pricing changes and how things are evolving after 1 month of removing blogstatic's free plan. Dominic reveals Parle's steps to v1 and which modules wi...
New pricing for blogstatic
Val introduces new pricing for blogstatic and talks about challenges to go upmarket. Dominic pauses SaaS proper to go with his enthusiasm toward StaticBackend.
Dominic acquires another product!
Dominic has acquired True Fans by Ben Mann and Val decides to "shut up" saying any "big words" about the future : )
"Marketing challenge" updates
We talk about what came out of our marketing efforts in the past two weeks.
A "Marketing Challenge!" and going down the Saas memory lane
We spontaneously reminisce about our past Saas products and Dominic throws a curve ball by introducing a challenge!
Back from the holiday break
We chat about Vivid, Dominic's new product and Val's growth efforts.
Moving on and talking marketing
News from Dominic about Tangara and Val's next steps to market blogstatic.
That period between MVP and PMF
Dominic and Val chat about the agony of the purgatory while searching for PMF.
Dominic onboarding new clients
We talk about the importance of features over marketing.
Intro to our current products
Dominic and Val talk about the products they're currently working on and what's next for them.
Hello world
A quick intro about what our show is about.